Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Graveyard Shift: A Family Historian’s Guide to New York City Cemeteries
By Carolee Inskeep Published by Ancestry.com 1998

The Canarsee

The Canarsee, who seem through their archeological remains, to be related to the Delaware subtribes, rather than those of Eastern Long Island or Westchester. Canarsee occupied or owning the western extremity today known as Kings County and their jurisdiction extended eastward to “Yemacah” the present Jamaica. Included with this territory was the group or family of Mareykawick, occupying a village on the site of Brooklyn, over which in 1645, Maganwetinnenim ruled as Sachem.

Canarsee also owned “Pagganck” (Governors Island) the name indicating an island covered with nut trees. This they sold in 1637 by a deed executed by Cacapeteyno Chief of Canarsee and Pewihas, who also owned the land at Wallabout, sold by them on behalf of the community the same year. – Peconic

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pillars of Hope
Pillars of hope,standing strong.
Through tragedy,a new song.New melody,to set free.
The earth may shake,break and fall.But standing strong,through it all…Pillars of hope.
Tragically lost.Victims they need,people who care.Not driven by greed.
People may leave,for fear of it all.From the tragic day,no longer to stay.
Though all is lost,and pain so raw,don’t blind your eyesto all you saw.
Brevity of life,teaches us how,to love through the loss,to live here and now.
If your heart is speaking,let your ears fully hear.Keep both eyes open,and let your heart guide and steer.
Help someone - a brother, a mother,learn of hope,in love discover.
Although just one,you can heal a child’s heart.Share of love, provide a new start.
Be that one.Be one to live - and one to give.Be a pillar of hope.
Written by Holly Mann, January 18, 2010 - Haiti Earthquake